Kamis, 09 Februari 2017

NASA Images Capture Huge Storms at Jupiter's South Pole up

While we know that Jupiter is home to one of the largest storms in the universe, it is the "great red spot", great new images revealed there are also bad weather conditions at the south pole of Jovian.

In a superb new image created by citizen scientist Roman Tkachenko using the data from the JunoCam imager on the spaceship of the NASA Juno, huge cyclones are visible.

Large hurricanes swirl around the south pole, and the White Oval storms are visible near the branch - the apparent limits of the planet.

This enhanced-color image of Jupiter’s south pole

This color image improved South pole of Jupiter and its swirling atmosphere was acquired, looking directly at the south pole Jovian, February 2, 2017, 6:06 pm PST (9: 06 a.m. EST) to an altitude of about 63 400 miles (102 100 kilometers) ahead of the Summit of the clouds of Jupiter.

Jupiter is by far the largest planet in the solar system.

Human he studied for hundreds of years, "but still a lot of basic questions about the world of gas remains", said them NASA.

Its weather systems are fascinating.

Swirls and bands of Jupiter are cold and windy with clouds of ammonia and water.

The atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium, and its famous great red spot is a giant storm larger than Earth that has been raging for hundreds of years.

The stunning image reveals the iconic great red spot, alongside a series of storms shaped like white ovals, known informally as the ‘string of pearls’. It was taken on Dec. 11, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. PST (5:30 p.m. EST), as the Juno spacecraft performed its third close flyby of Jupiter.

Earlier this month, NASA revealed a stunning new look to the biggest storm in the universe.

NASA revealed a new incredible image of Jupiter created from data transmitted by the probe Juno.
It shows the iconic great red spot, alongside a series of white oval-shaped storms, known informally as the "string of pearls".

The image of a Crescent of Jupiter and the great iconic red spot was created by a citizen (Roman Tkachenko) scientist using data of the instrument JunoCam of Juno, NASA said.

The image was taken on December 11, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. PST (17: 30EST), the space probe Juno interpreted his narrow third overview of Jupiter.

At the time that the image was taken, the spacecraft was approximately 285 100 miles (458 800 kilometers) from the planet.

Astronomers has recently revealed that storm of "red spot" of Jupiter, the largest of the solar system, is shrinking.

The so-called "great red spot" is a violent storm, which, at the end of the 1800s was estimated at about 25 000 miles (approximately 40,000 km) in diameter wide enough for three planet earths to keep side by side.

The largest of the solar system, it appears as a dark red ORB surrounded by layers of pale yellow, orange, and white.

Inside the storm winds were measured at several hundred miles per hour, NASA astronomers said.

NASA revealed the discovery alongside great new maps of the planet who are the first in an annual series of "weather maps" designed to place changes.

Already, the images of Jupiter revealed a rare wave just north of Ecuador of the planet and a skinny characteristic in the nucleus of the great red spot not seen before.

"Every time that we look at Jupiter, get us tantalizing tips that something really exciting is happening," said Amy Simon, planetologist at the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA in Greenbelt (Maryland).

The movement of Jupiter's clouds can be seen by comparing the first map to the second one. Zooming in on the Great Red Spot at blue (left) and red (right) wavelengths reveals a unique filamentary feature not previously seen (Credits: NASA/ESA/Goddard/UCBerkeley/JPL-Caltech/STScI). 

Collect these annual images - essentially the global version of the annual days of school for children photo - will allow current scientists and to come and see how these giant worlds change over time.

The comments are designed to capture a wide range of features, including winds, clouds, storms, and atmospheric chemistry.

Simon and his colleagues have produced two global maps of Jupiter, based on observations made using high performance Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3.

The two cards represent almost back-to-back rotations of the planet,which allows to determine the speeds of the winds of Jupiter.

The results are described in a paper to the Astrophysical Journal, available online.

The new images confirm that the Great Red Spot continues to shrink and become more circular, as it has been doing for years.

The long axis of this characteristic storm is about 150 miles (240 kilometers) shorter now than it was in 2014.

Recently, the storm had been shrinking at a faster-than-usual rate, but the latest change is consistent with the long-term trend.

The Great Red Spot remains more orange than red these days, and its core, which typically has more intense color, is less distinct than it used to be.

An unusual wispy filament is seen, spanning almost the entire width of the vortex.

This filamentary streamer rotates and twists throughout the 10-hour span of the Great Red Spot image sequence, getting distorted by winds blowing at 330 miles per hour (150 meters per second) or even greater speeds.

In Jupiter's North Equatorial Belt, the researchers found an elusive wave that had been spotted on the planet only once before, decades earlier, by Voyager 2.

In those images, the wave is barely visible, and nothing like it was seen again, until the current wave was found traveling at about 16 degrees north latitude, in a region dotted with cyclones and anticyclones.

Similar waves – called baroclinic waves – sometimes appear in Earth's atmosphere where cyclones are forming.

'Until now, we thought the wave seen by Voyager 2 might have been a fluke,' said co-author Glenn Orton of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Jupiter's storm in close up - and researchers now say it is shrinking


The so-called 'Great Red Spot' is a violent storm, which in the late 1800s was estimated to be about 25,000 miles (about 40,000 km) in diameter – wide enough for three Earths to fit side by side.

The biggest in the solar system, it appears as a deep red orb surrounded by layers of pale yellow, orange and white.

Winds inside the storm have been measured at several hundreds of miles per hour, NASA astronomers said. 

The wave may be provided in a transparent layer under the clouds, only becomes visible when it spreads upwards in the cloud deck, according to the researchers.

This idea is supported by the spacing between the crests of waves.

In addition to Jupiter, the researchers observed Neptune and Uranus, and also maps of these planets will be placed in the Archives.

Saturn will be added to the series later.

Hubble will be spent each year on this special set of observations, called the planet program outdoor atmospheres Legacy.

"The long-term Legacy atmospheres of the outer planets program value is really exciting, said co-author Michael H. Wong of the University of California, Berkeley.

"The collection of maps that accumulate us over time will help not only scientific understand the moods of our giant planets, but also of the atmospheres of the planets discovered around other stars and Earth's atmosphere and Oceans, too."

Saturn also has a mysterious storm with six faces churning to the north pole of Saturn.

The unusual geometric structure, which is wide to about 20,000 miles (32 187 km), running almost exactly at the same rate as Saturn rotates on its axis.

The hexagonal structure odd, seen in the animation above directly above the north pole of Saturn, rotates at the same speed that the planet rotates on its axis. It's more than 20,000 miles (32, 190 km) in diameter

The results provide a 'simple' solution to the properties of the vortex strangely shaped, according to astronomers.

Writes in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters, Professor Raúl Morales-Juberias, planetologist at the New Mexico Mining Institute and technology in Socorro and his colleagues said that the key to the form seems to be at the height of the jet.

They built computer models of the dense atmosphere of Saturn in the North to see how can behave of winds at different levels.

They said: ' past digital and modeling lab succeeded to reproduce some, but not all, characteristics of the hexagon.

"We present numerical simulations showing that instabilities in the shallow jets can balance as winds closely resembling the phase velocity and observed morphology of Northern Hexagon of Saturn.

"We also find that the winds at the bottom of the model are as important as the winds, cloud level matching characteristic of France observed, notably its drift rate and its sharpness form."

The hexagon on Saturn was discovered in 1988 in the images taken by the Voyager from Nasa as they flew over the planet in the early 1980s.

NASA Cassini probe has since provided images in close-up color of the mass of weird churning, which is twice the diameter of the Earth.

Thermal images revealed that he reached up to 60 miles (97 kilometers) down into the atmosphere of Saturn.

Other images showed the points of the hexagon to rotate at the same speed as the self-rotation of Saturn while a jet stream was to followits path eastward at a speed of about 220 mph (354 kph).

However, scientists were baffled about why the trained form becauseit does not appear to be influenced by the seasons and there were many advanced explanations.

For example water swirling on earth can sometimes generate a vortex with geometric shapes.

Others have suggested that they are expressions of a "Rossby wave"rooted deeply in the atmosphere of the planet that spreads verticallyas the jet stream made its way around the pole.

However, the new findings suggested that under the jet stream winds are responsible the jostling of the air current in its geometric shape.

This helps to explain why France is not influenced by seasonal changes, the researchers explained.

It is hoped that by studying the movement of the Hexagon, it would be possible to better understand the winds that are hidden under storm clouds in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant.

Speaking to Space.com, Professor Morales-Juberias said: "With a verysimple model, we were able to match most of the properties observed in France."

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