Senin, 13 Februari 2017

PewDiePie loses Disney deal as a result of anti-Semitic imagery

He insists he's just joking

Disney cut its links with the YouTube Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg sensation after it incorporated the anti-Semitic and Nazi jokes refers in several of his videos. 

Movement intervenes after a Wall Street Journal study found that nine videos of Kjellberg displayed in the last six months featured images of swastikas and salutes nazis shots of Hitler. Last month, the star of YouTube showed a clip of a man disguised as a Jésus Christ saying "Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong" and paid two men Indians to bear a banner reading "Death to Jews" via the freelance site Fiverr, but Kjellberg argued that it is not serious in its use ofimagery.

The entertainment giant has partnered with Kjellberg Maker Studios, a division of video production that he bought in 2014 for $675 million and folded in its Entertainment division last year. "Although Felix has created a sequel being provocative and irreverent, clearly, it goes too far in this case and videos that result are inappropriate," a Maker Studios spokesman told the Wall Street Journal, noting that Kjellberghas independence editorial in the case.

Three videos were removed by Kjellberg after review, including January 11, download this banner included "death to Jews". Google had pulled its own ads to the video days after he was released, but did notwith draw advertising from all the other videos. YouTube did not go one of the nine videos in question, nor did offer any comment on the release of Kjellberg, who is one of the biggest stars of the site.

Kjellberg has not responded for the Wall Street Journal directly, but he posted a message on his Tumblr page addressing videos and tempting to explain why he had paid the men to wear the sign. "I tried toshow how crazy the modern world is more precisely some of the available online services," said Kjellberg. "I took something that seemed absurd to me - on Fiverr will say anything for $ 5.

The star of YouTube said repeatedly that the context in which his offensive jokes are told is important. "It is now 2017," Kjellberg said in one of his videos of January now-removed. "We will have to start to separate what is a joke, and what is actually problematic." In another video, Kjellberg compares his offensive jokes with an imaginary version of himself who in fact holds white supremacist views. "I think that there is a difference between a joke and as real, fuck, death to the Jews",he notes.

But Jonathan Vick of the Anti-Defamation League, in response to themessage from Tumblr of Kjellberg, argues that by claiming even to marry these views, Kjellberg is doing damage. "Just put out there brings more into the mainstream," he told the WSJ. Indeed, the neo-nazisThe Daily Stormer site hanging in January of Kjellberg videos, called"PewDiePie of the world #1 fansite" for a short time and thanking theSwedish YouTuber to ' the masses comfortable with our ideas.

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